VNV Advisory

Empowering rural communities towards climate action & sustainable development

We strive to work with communities to ensure that ecosystems are restored and sustainable growth is achieved through clean and low-carbon interventions.

Climate Smart







Integrated Energy


Rural Households

Our Projects have been implemented across South Asia and incorporates climate action elements for both Communities and Ecosystems


NGOs/Implementation Partners

We are associated with established implementation partners/NGOs to help manage our low carbon programs among the communities

  • vnv advisory

About VNV

Founded in 2010, VNV’s community-led programs on climate action have covered over 6 million rural households and 2 million HA under land use and forestry across the South Asian region of India, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Laos, Indonesia and Bangladesh contributing substantially to the global fight on climate change and providing a better way of life for climate vulnerable communities in developing and least developed countries. We have also been able to engage businesses in addressing issues of social responsibility and environmental sustainability along their supply chain and more recently, to engage upon climate action projects in line with the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Our Solutions


We build VNV’s climate action programs around the thematic areas of Sustainable Agriculture, Social Forestry, Water Management, Waste Management and Access to Energy. Our work here includes identifying the implementation gaps to create project designs that address immediate societal threats in vulnerable ecosystems and develop ecological solutions that facilitate sustainable livelihoods.

Carbon Mitigation
& Sequestration

VNV’s signature emission-reduction programs’ solutions are innovative, inclusive, and quality focused. With diverse projects in the areas of social forestry, rural electrification, waste management and clean cooking, we are now pushing the envelope on land-use based programs such as climate-smart agriculture, forest conservation and mangrove restorations. With the focus on optimizing the utilization of natural resources and regenerating damaged ecosystems, our custom-designed programs increase the resilience of communities and their environs.


In business, greater disclosure, transparency and a helping hand towards the world
moving towards ‘net zero’ are of paramount importance today. In line with this, responsible business and environmental integrity has become an essential exercise to demonstrate a company’s approach towards a sustainable journey. Our sustainability consulting team helps businesses develop engaging, transparent and impactful initiatives in their businesses and along their supply chain.

Our Project Focus Areas

Climate Smart Agriculture

Our agriculture programs facilitate sustainable natural resource utilization and equitable access and sharing of financial resources. With our climate resilience approach, our focus is on improving market linkages and access to finance for small, marginal farmers, which are critical factors to stimulate livelihood and sustainability, enhancing investments in agriculture.

Coastal Resilience

Our carbon program on restoration of degraded mangroves in Southeast Asia is both a climate change mitigation and adaptation project that aims to establish and maintain a sustainably managed mangrove ecosystem for carbon sequestration, natural disaster risk reduction, and poverty reduction by enabling sustainable livelihoods in the coastal communities.

Social Forestry

Integrating community forest management with reviving degraded land and indigenous species through afforestation, conservation & assisted natural regeneration. Our social forestry programs lay powerful impetus for creating carbon sinks while creating alternate livelihood opportunities for the forest communities. Focusing strongly on monitoring land-use changes, this program continues to restore large tracts of land in key geographies of South Asia, such as the highly vulnerable Himalayan range.

Clean Cooking

Over the years, our clean cooking program has observed many successful technologies in different geographies, enabling better living conditions for the families of the communities and ensuring that natural resources are sustainably utilized. Our projects have leveraged innovative technologies to create successful rural entrepreneur-based programs and have successfully addressed a myriad of gender issues.

Rural Energy

Our rural energy access program strengthens the development initiatives in rural and remote regions, prioritizing innovation to suit local conditions in different geographies.
Our energy projects include lighting for education, solar lighting for flood-affected areas, passive heating for homes in remote regions, novel approaches for access to energy in un-electrified regions and supporting innovations with a potential to reach scale.

Water Access

Using a multidisciplinary approach, our water access and management programs encompass varied themes of water solutions for agriculture. Adapting to new agricultural techniques to conserve water, establishing the water budget in a region to assess the utilization pattern, and providing access to drinking water to vulnerable communities. All these programs incorporate gender issues and women are, to a great extent, the stewards of this natural resource.

Waste Management

Along with our partners, we have brought together like-minded organizations under an umbrella carbon offset program designed for start-ups in the waste management sector. The program aims to address the asymmetries of participation especially, for small-scale project partners in key community-oriented areas and sectors in multiple cities across India.

Integrated Energy Systems

The project provides access to clean and affordable energy for cooking along with a basic lighting add-on, through the dissemination of the integrated energy-efficient cookstoves to economically backward rural areas. The uniqueness of this hybrid system is that it is a two-way energy system developed to address the concerns of indoor air pollution and basic lighting requirements in rural areas.

Our Sustainability Solutions

Reporting on sustainability-related disclosures can serve as a distinction in competitive markets, promote stakeholder confidence and increase credibility, and improve business performance.

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